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About us. The Cowan family owner/operators of Defiance Rafting Company.
The Cowan family is the owner/operator of Defiance Rafting Company.

Our Mission is your Experience

“We believe everyone deserves a little adventure in their lives. Maybe it’s the thrill of breaking free from routine, reconnecting with loved ones in a special place, or conquering your fears and pushing your limits.

This belief is at the heart of Defiance Rafting. It drives all our decisions and shapes our company. It fuels our passion for being good and doing good in our community. Most importantly, it’s why everyone at Defiance is dedicated to giving you the adventure you crave.”


So, why Defiance Rafting?

The name Defiance is a nod to the original naming of the townsite that was later changed to Glenwood Springs. Defiance also resonates with our story of defying conventional wisdom and the security that comes with professional careers. Desiring community, getting back outside, and sharing a love of the river. Without looking back, Defiance Rafting Company was launched.

Defiance Rafting Company is more than pushing rubber boats down a river and making up for lost time, it is also about creating a platform for doing good in our community and having an opportunity to give back. We believe in creating lasting river memories and providing a forum for others to experience the greatness of the Colorado River, the magnificence of Glenwood Canyon, and the charms of Glenwood Springs and the Roaring Fork Valley.

Thanks for Checking us out!